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Introducing a groundbreaking program that combines
Cognitively Guided Instruction with STEM fields.


Advancement of Science, Technology & Engineering in Math Education

"Jobs in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields (STEM) pay an average 26 percent more than other occupations and grew three times faster during the past decade. " - U.S. Commerce Department (2011)

ASTEME Learning Center is
a groundbreaking enrichment program designed by Allan Yu who is a leader in progressive math education on the Westside. Allan Yu has worked as a director and co-director of institutes with the UCLA Math Project for 8 years and has been teaching Cognitively Guided Instruction as a consultant for multiple public and private schools on the Westside.

Our Philosophy...

ASTEME Learning Center was created to help our children discover the answer to a question that many teachers and parents hear every day - "When am I ever going to use math in my life?" Our unique program allows our students to not only learn math, but experience math in fun and exciting ways in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and more. Our goal is to inspire children to live, love and learn math, and create life long mathematicians. From the child who is struggling with math in school to the one who is ready for more sophisticated challenges, ASTEME Learning Center provides a safe and inspiring place from which to explore the many roads in which math can lead us.

Preparing for the future ...

The traditional approach to teaching math overemphasizes the use of algorithm tricks and shortcuts to find the answers. This approach is reflected in how math instruction is dominated by worksheets and rote memorization of rules and steps. No Child Left Behind has created a math culture where a child's ability to take tests now supersedes a child's ability to think.

Our individualized interest based activities allow students to immediately apply what they are taught and actually see the math in action. This not only demystifies the purpose of learning math, but also helps students develop confidence and a stronger sense of "math-esteem" both of which are crucial in how one sees him/herself as a mathematician.

ASTEME Learning Center recognizes the importance of not just getting the right answers, but also helping students develop a love and passion for math that will provide them with more career opportunities in the future. We strive to make math meaningful by connecting the dots for the students and helping them understand how math is used in everyday life, and thus why learning math is so important.

Visit for schedule and sign-up information. Mention and receive 20% off your first ASTEME session. Offer good for new students only and is not valid for camps or individual sessions.


11672 Gateway Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064

(310) 740-3337


Applications and dates are now available for our
8-week November - January sessions.


Visit us at for details and applications!