Hello The Mystery 5th Grade !!! _____________________________________________________ login: palmbeach 2) Click on Math again on the bottom 3) Watch the following videos and take the quizzes: * Order of Operations * Exponents * Rounding Do not go to games until you watched all three movies and taken all three quizzes. _____________________________________________________ Click on multi-player multiplication and division games only. Allan's Math Class for Group #2 - Proportions #12 http://www.khanacademy.org/v/algebra--slope-and-y-intercept-intuition?p=Algebra http://www.khanacademy.org/v/algebra--graphing-lines-1?p=Algebra http://www.khanacademy.org/v/algebra--slope-2?p=Algebra Allan's Math Class Group #2 Homework for Proportions #9 http://www.khanacademy.org/v/slope-of-a-line?p=Algebra%20I%20Worked%20Examples Allan's Math Class Group #2 Homework for Proportions #8 04/19/2011 Visiting the following websites before your next meeting: http://www.khanacademy.org/video/exponent-rules-1?playlist=Algebra%20I%20Worked%20Examples http://www.khanacademy.org/video/exponent-rules-2?playlist=Algebra%20I%20Worked%20Examples Algebra Enrichment Week 4: Week 6: login: twainmark pw: shark 1) Click on Math2) Click on Math again on the bottom 3) Watch the following videos and take the quizzes: Group 1 and 4 * Multiplication * Budgets * Taxes Groups 2 and 3 * Taxes * Prime Numbers * Converting Fractions to Decimals